
Your site statistics are just one click away


Open your statistics in Doc2Web, no need to login


Analyitics show you how your visitors are interacting with your site.

See which pages are the most popular.

How long do visitors stay?

When do visitors leave?

Which search terms bring the most visitors?

All the information you need to make your site a success.  

ROI for adverts


Set Goals in Analytics to see sales and conversions. You can monitor the number of visitors who enter your site and reach a Goal, for example, buying a product, asking for a proposal or filling a contact form in.


Complete functions for monitoring campagnes
Monitor your email campagnes, banners, offline adverts and more.

Ecommerce rapports
Monitor your champagne transactions, search terms, loyalty and statistics

Channels and multimedia

Mobile site monitoring

Mobile websites; monitor which mobile devices are being used to view your site.


Searching through your site
By understanding what visitors are serching for in your site you can shorten the conversion time.



You don’t need to read all rapports, add the information you need to the Dashboard for quick viewing.


Export data

Email and export your information direct from Analytics to Excel, CSV or PDF.